Health Care Providers

Under our current legislation, only doctors and nurse practitioners are eligible to become assessors or providers of MAiD.

I am happy to support you through the MAiD process if you have any questions (there is no better teacher than experience!)

If you are willing to be an assessor for your patient I strongly urge you to read and follow the BC College of Physicians and Surgeon’s Guidelines on MAiD, as they are mandatory, and also read the FAQs.

About the MAiD Process

CPSBC Practice Standard

A guide for clinicians on standard of care and professional expectations as they relate to MAiD.


A guide for addressing the most common questions raised by practitioners as they relate to MAiD.

Below are various forms you may require.

This will essentially begin the process. It need not be filled in prior to the first meeting, but it can be if you prefer. It needs to be witnessed by an independent witness.

Used in the assessment of eligibility by a medical doctor or a nurse practitioner. This clinician will NOT be providing medications, only assessing for eligibility for MAiD.

Used in the assessment of eligibility by the clinician who WILL be prescribing and administering the medications for MAiD.

Not routinely necessary. Used when there is a question about the capacity to make this choice and a clinician with expertise in capacity assessments becomes involved.

Waiver of Final Consent

In certain circumstances, when there is a risk of loss of capacity, a patient who has already been found eligible for MAiD may waive the requirement to provide consent on the day of MAiD itself.

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Assisting individuals, families, and health-care providers.

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